Tall Ships Festival 2015

All Ships Festival 2015
June 19 – 21st 2015 (Father’s Day weekend)

Nicholson designed “Amphritrite” which is still sailing to this day and is based in Hamburg Germany
Tall ships are coming once again to Brockville! That is great! I’m so excited that Tall Ships are coming once again to our shores. Their grace and majesty mark a special spot in history. I have a strong rooted fondness for Tall Ships as my grandfather, John T. Baker, was a shipwright in England working in the Gosport dockyards in the early 1900’s. He had worked for Camper and Nicholsons which has, over time, become a very viable luxury watercraft business.

Tall Ships 1812 Festival, 2013
The All Ships Festival (2015) in Brockville, is a celebration of life in the 1000 Islands region and an opportunity for tourists and citizens of the City of Brockville to explore the majestic waterfront during this ‘festival on the river’. You will see tall ships, small ships, motorboats, self-powered paddle boats, cruise ships, sailing ships, Sea-Doos, Hydroplanes, Antique Boats, and so much more … The All Ships Festival (2015) is family fun for all ages. See full details on the Brockville Tourism site and All Ships Festival site.
Mark your calendars and see you there!
Your Personal Jeweller
Carol Palko

Tall Ship Fair Jeanne Cloisonne Pendant
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