Thief Returns Stolen Rings to Riphagen Family with Apology Letter 15 Years Later
One thief has apparently had a change of heart –- a decade and a half after stealing a couple’s wedding rings.
According to Reddit, the Riphagens lost their gold rings at a party several years ago. Recently, they received a letter from a “dumb kid who wants to right a wrong” with a heartwarming apology.
While some commenters on Reddit suggested the letter is fake, user WhoBeKnow, who reportedly went to school with the couple’s daughters, chimed in with a backstory:
“The rings are the mother’s wedding ring, a ring the father gave the mother when their first child was born, and one set of grandparents’ wedding bands that had been intended for the children when they reached adulthood. These were stolen during a party that one of their (now adult) children threw during high school, about 15 years ago.”
For complete news story go to the Huff Good News, click HERE.
What a great ending to a story!
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